SHHH...Glyphix is quietly happy to share with you that we have added QuietSHHOT to our client roster.
For those of you who play pickleball you are well aware of the noise it makes. And your neighbors are as well. QuietSHHOT is a product which eliminates the annoying “pop” of pickleball games by reducing the frequency and sound level of pickleball paddles. It was developed by entrepreneur Doug Kinney of Xcel Rubber, a company which manufactures a range of closed cell sponge rubber sheet products.
Kinney hired Glyphix to develop package designs for QuietSHHOT. The project started with one package for one product, and quickly grew to cover a rapidly expanding product line.
“Pickleball is now the fastest-growing sport in America for the third year running,” observed Larry Cohen, President and co-founder of Glyphix. “Unfortunately, it’s about twice as loud as tennis. QuietSHHOT makes your game 4 times quieter. It also provides wrist protection and adds spin and speed to your shot.”
QuietSHHOT is currently available exclusively on Amazon.