Quick, what has 4 letters and spots?
Answer: Two Glyphix clients, JFLA and Poms, who have been taking advantage of lower rates and higher viewership by running commercials in California and New Mexico.
"Relax" Spot
Poms & Associates, a Los Angeles-based insurance company, has started running a second commercial in their "Relax" campaign on CNN, Fox, MSNBC, and CNBC through Spectrum Cable in the San Fernando Valley. The spot has also been running on the same networks on New Mexico cable provider EffecTV.
"Housing" Spot
A second Glyphix client, Jewish Free Loan Association (JFLA), which offers no fee, interest-free loans to people, businesses, and institutions in Los Angeles and Ventura counties, has been running three commercials on Spectrum Cable through the summer. The 30-second spots focus on loans for housing (in association with Cedars-Sinai), emergency expenses, and small businesses. JFLA also started airing an audience-targeted version of the housing ad on BET and OWN at the end of June.
The lack of sports and entertainment advertising has left stations with excess inventory so prices are very reasonable. And with so many more people working from home, viewership is way up. How are you staying in front of your clients?