Glyphix has just launched a new redesigned website for Steril-Aire, a Burbank-based manufacturer of Ultraviolet-C (UVC) germicidal solutions for the HVAC industry.
Steril-Aire effectively created the UVC for HVAC industry in 1994 when Robert Scheir, Ph.D. showed that UVC exposure could eliminate the molds and bacteria he found growing on every AC evaporator coil surface he tested. Today Steril-Aire is a constant innovator in developing UVC technology, and remains the industry leader in the development of UVC solutions for air and surface decontamination.
The website is part of an extensive rebranding project we began for Steril-Aire when the company became a member of the Madison IAQ group of companies last year. It includes the redesign of all corporate communications materials, from product sheets and white papers to PowerPoint templates and email newsletters.
You can see the new site at Steril-Aire.com.